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Choose your pricing plan
Card Reading sub
111.11$Every monthThis is a monthly subscription for Zoom 6 card reading- Monthly subscription
- 3 Zoom Card readings
- or 3 Emailed 6 Card Readings
- or mix and match
Charm Reading Sub
111.11$Every monthThis is a Charm reading subscription- Monthly subscription
- 3 Zoom or emailed Charm Readings Monthly
- or mix and match
Charm + Card Sub
222.22$Every monthThis is a charm+ card reading subscription- Monthly Subscription
- 3 Zoom Charm + 6 Card Readings Monthly
- or 3 emailed Charm +6 Card reading monthly
- or mix and match
VioletFlame Healing
222.22$Every monthEnergy Healing- 3 Violet Flame sessions zoom or remote per month
- or mix and match
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